Revolutionary Unification stands in solidarity with the People’s Democracy Party (PDP) of South Korea, which is up against the authoritarian regime of South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol. On August 30, 2024, the National Security Division of the Seoul Metropolitan Police, raided the PDP offices, as well as, the private residences of party members, accusing them for violations of the National Security Act. It is clear that the real purpose of this “investigation” is to suppress and terrorize the progressive anti-imperialist forces and the workers’ movements in South Korea.

Yoon Suk-yeol’s government is not just an ordinary pro-NATO faction. Yoon Suk-yeol has publicly stated that the DPRK is the “primary enemy” and therefore is conducting nuclear war exercises to invade the North, along with the US, claiming his right to launch a “pre-emptive strike”. He is collaborating with his Japanese counterpart, Fumio Kishida, who took office after the mysterious assassination of Shinzo Abe in July 2022, ardently wishing to form the Asian version of NATO with “ROK”, as dictated by the US. Kishida of Japan and Yoon Suk-yeol of the “ROK” are actively working to integrate NATO in the region. The fact that NATO, an imperialist alliance that has started and is perpetuating World War 3, is expanding its war plans beyond West Asia, with the eye fixed on East Asia is causing great concern not only to Asians but also to all people who desire peace. In the current period, their talk of ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom of speech’ is being exposed, their hypocrisy is becoming more and more evident.

Such actions should be regarded as part of the necessary preparations for planned military attacks in East Asia. The creation of military alliances such as Aukus along with NATO’s expansion into the Pacific, poses a serious threat not only to Korea but also to world peace and stability. The Korean people are experiencing in their own skin that there is no way for them to remain safe from imperialist hostility and at the same time remain nationally sovereign. This is one of the reasons behind the constantly accelerating pace at which the anti-imperialist countries in the region are now actively strengthening their bilateral and multilateral relations. It is in this light that we must understand that the effort to create an East Asian wing of NATO is purely and simply in order to confront China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Day by day it becomes more and more obvious that we have a single side in this war, and it is in the best interests of every working man that, Russia should defeat NATO and that Palestine, together with the wider Middle East resistance, defeat Zionism and drive imperialism out of the Middle East. These blows to our common enemy can only help accelerate the shift in class war around the world, in order to create better opportunities for the struggle against imperialist domination and exploitation everywhere else.

We stand in solidarity with the PDP. Their struggle is our struggle too. The struggle for real independence in Korea, free from both domestic fascism and foreign imperialist domination, is part of the global struggle against capitalism, imperialism and war.

We condemn the Yoon government’s efforts to dismantle the PDP and crush the workers’ movement, which are being carried out at the behest of the US, as a consistent colonialist in South Korea, with absolutely no regard for the interests of the Korean people.


By epanen

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