Understand fascism deeply, it will not die on its own, crush it!

All to the anti-fascist demonstration on November 1st in Neo Iraklio!

Today, 10 years after the murder of Pavlos Fyssas, and while the trials of the criminal Golden Dawn are ongoing, a provocative ‘pan-European meeting of fascists’ is planned for Wednesday 1st of November in Neo Iraklio.

A fascist fiesta organised with the tolerance, if not the support, of the state and the government. The murder of a young man in Nea Filadelfia by organized Croatian fascists, who crossed 3 states unhindered by the ‘discreet’ presence of police forces, is a recent memory. However, both the government and the municipal authorities are provocatively allowing the fascists to flock to Athens and act unchecked again.

To have the descendants and successors of the Nazis, come today and call for a meeting there, where the bloody Kalogreza blockade took place, where 22 heroes gave their lives in the struggle against the Nazi occupiers and the Greek security battalion collaborationist forces, in Neo Iraklio, where Ilektra Apostolou had lived and fought and where she was tortured and executed by the occupiers, is a blatant provocation.

We warn them: do not dare to show up, because this is a land of resistance and of refugees, of struggle and sacrifice! Kick the fascists out of our neighborhoods!

Understand fascism deeply, it will not die on its own, crush it!

It must be crushed in every possible way, politically, ideologically, in terms of propaganda, in the streets, where the working-class lives and works, where the youth study.

It cannot be crushed, however, unless the causes that give rise to it are crushed with it. Fascism is the offspring of capitalism at the stage of imperialism, it constitutes its aggressive vanguard, especially today in the midst of an ongoing World War III (WWIII).

Nowadays, imperialism under US leadership, despite having fascism spread within its member states, has no need to establish outright fascist regimes in frontline imperialist countries (as in inter-war Germany), with the potential aims to develop a Military-Industrial Complex and Armed Forces that would be competitive to the US. In the imperialist countries and in the satellite countries of its proximal periphery, the imperialist regime succeeds in effectively manipulating the working class and the broader popular strata, through bribery, corruption, deception, demagogy and undermining of the labour movement through its opportunist agents, but above all through individualisation and consumerism. The bourgeois regime achieves this by handing out crumbs from its parasitism, exploiting the resources from siphoning off monopoly super-profits from around the world.

Though fascism in WWIII shares common elements with fascism of the interwar period and the 20th century as a whole, they are not identical.

The fascism of today is not ‘one and the same’. It does not project – as in the past – the guild/corporatist ideology and practice as an organic element of state-monopoly regulation and the militarisation of the economy and of society with basic reference and application to the nation-state. At the stage of transnational-monopoly imperialist imposition, the very instrumental use of fascism is subordinated to the transnational planning of the aggressor axis led by the USA.

Fascism today is increasingly linked to the ideology and practices of extreme neoliberalism, to the cannibalistic individualism of social Darwinism and to the toxic capriciousness of ‘desire’ of ‘postmodern’ irrationalism. Hence the combination of nationalism/racism and imperialist cosmopolitanism that characterises it.

Today, the US-NATO-EU imperialist axis is instrumentalising fascism and Nazism to install its subordinate regimes in countries that until the 1980s were part of the USSR, Yugoslavia or other countries that went through phases of early socialist construction in Europe, South Korea, etc. Fascism serves modern imperialism as an instrumentally useful and expendable ‘strike force’ in its proxy wars against those who resist its continued domination, against the forces of anti-imperialism and socialism in WWIII.

This is evident in the treatment of the people of Ukraine (as ‘cannon fodder’) by the Kiev junta regime, against the people of the rebellious Donbass since 2014 and against Russia and its allies since 2022.

This is also evident in the action of the Zionist racist entity of Israel, the war arm of the US-led axis, which for seven decades has been the brutal occupying force in Palestine, launching repeated genocidal operations against the Palestinian people, while acting as an aggressive imperialist stronghold in this strategically important region.

Nevertheless, fascism has been, and remains the most consistent misanthropism and anti-communism, the most belligerent strike force of the counter-revolution, of the financial oligarchy, ‘it is the power of financial capital itself. It is the organization of the terrorist, barbaric oppression of the working class and the revolutionary elements of the peasantry and intellectuals. In foreign policy, fascism is chauvinism in its most barbarous form, cultivating a brutal hatred against other peoples’ (G. Dimitrov).

Therefore, unless the deeper causes, the predatory imperialist interests and their pursuers, the moral and physical perpetrators, those responsible for the re-emergence, rise, financing, arming, training of today’s Nazi fascists and storm troopers in our country and more widely (such as the proven relationship of Croatian fascists, with their fellow Ukronazis of the Azov battalion), are not highlighted, abstract anti-fascism and anti-capitalism, however vigorous, will be short-lived. The struggle against fascism must be consistent, patriotic, internationalist and anti-imperialist, directing its ire against the aggressor imperialist axis led by the US and the reactionary policies of any government that, through NATO-EU, facilitates fascist activity and supports Nazi regimes, such as those of Ukraine and the Zionist state of Israel.

War and fascism replicate each other. A necessary condition for the working people to rise up is the crushing of both fascism and imperialism, which instrumentalises it when in need. These two are tied together, one cannot be done without the other. A massive front, within which the unity of the people, the youth and the working class against imperialism is forged, for the defeat of NATO, the unpopular – anti-working-class policies of the government (who are the minions of imperialism), fascism, state, deep state and transnational terrorism, with a view to social liberation, is as timely as ever.

This is why today’s fascism cannot be eradicated by spontaneous and fragmentary actions-reactions in the streets. WWIII requires coordinated anti-fascist action within the framework of a world-wide militant anti-imperialist front, with the leading role of the communists.

We call on the working class, the people, the youth, every progressive person, to the big anti-fascist demonstration on Wednesday November 1st against the provocative fiesta that the fascists are preparing in Neo Iraklio.





By epanen

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