Statement of support for the frontal struggle of our comrades from the NKPJ and SKOJ in the upcoming elections

With the escalation of the third World War, the aggression of euroatlantic imperialism has been steadily reaching a zenith. This aggression has taken multiple forms: from colour “revolutions” (or attempts thereof) to the war in Ukraine, to the genocide in Palestine. Along with the already active fronts, several seemingly frozen conflicts are on the verge of being reignited. Across the globe, occupied protectorates of the US are getting prepared in order to serve a role akin to that of Ukraine in NATO’s anti-Russian campaign. In Asia, the puppet regimes of occupied South Korea and Taipei are preparing for war against the DPRK and the PRC, respectively. Similar efforts are underway in Europe where the Kurti regime, with the full backing of KFOR, has been systematically persecuting the Serbian population of Kosovo and Metohija, escalating its provocations against them in order to elicit a response which would then be used as casus belli for a full-blown attack against Serbia. In these trying times, the bourgeois government of Serbia is proving day by day not only its inability to protect the national interests of the Serbian people, but an inability to guarantee even the physical safety of the Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija. While the majority of the population holds clear anti-imperialist sentiments, the governing SNS party commits the country to a “European path” of integration, policies which it dilutes with a smokeshow of anti-western rhetoric in order to appease its voter base. And while this crypto-atlanticist party holds power, the opposition consists of parties openly supporting full subjugation to the EU, often being pseudo-grassroots EU or US funded NGOs turned into political parties, or coalitions of thereof.

Now, when the threat of imperialist war looms ever closer, it is necessary and imperative to organically link the anti-imperialist struggle with the struggle for socialist revolution and communism. We must remember that any and all anti-colonial, anti-imperialist, national liberation, national independence, anti-fascist, etc. objectives can be effectively and consistently accomplished by revolutionary fronts in which the communists play a leading and decisive role, insofar as these objectives are organically linked to the revolutionary perspective of socialism, through transitional reforms of a socialist character.

Today it becomes more necessary than ever to create, develop, coordinate, and organize the anti-imperialist forces of the world in a victorious frontal struggle at all levels, in all countries, on all continents. Especially where the heart of the revolutionary movement beats the strongest, in countries that are at the brink of imperialist conflict. The defeat of the aggressor axis under the United States is a condition for the very survival of humanity, and therefore for the victories of the revolutionary movement.

The progressive people of our planet are called upon today to consider what the consequences of a victory of the US-led imperialist axis of aggression might have not only for the revolutionary movement, but also for the very survival of humanity. Only with the exemplary, pioneering, and leading role of the revolutionary communist forces can the frontal anti-imperialist struggle have a basis and a future, only the perspective of the socialist revolution can give strategic depth and victorious breath to anti-imperialism and anti-fascism.

We believe that in these important times for Serbia, a tactical anti-imperialist front led by the communists is imperative. We believe that our comrades from the NKPJ and SKOJ are fully capable and able to play the decisive role of forming such a front while preserving their organisational and theoretical autonomy, to organically link the frontal anti-imperialist struggle with the revolutionary struggle for socialism-communism. We place our full trust on their abilities and offer them our full support in the upcoming elections.


Defeat of the imperialist axis led by the USA!

Victory to the forces of anti-imperialism and socialism in Serbia, in the Balkans and all over the world!

Victory to our comrades from the NKPJ and SKOJ!

“Revolutionary Unification” Greece,

Member of the World Antiimperialist Platform

By epanen

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