SPEECH OF “REVOLUTIONARY UNIFICATION” In Rome Conference for Peace and against NATO
SPEECH OF “REVOLUTIONARY UNIFICATION” In Rome Conference for Peace and against NATO 27-28 October 2023 Few people nowdays question the fact that humanity is either on the verge of,…
Understand fascism deeply, it will not die on its own, crush it! All to the anti-fascist demonstration on November 1st in Neo Iraklio!
Understand fascism deeply, it will not die on its own, crush it! All to the anti-fascist demonstration on November 1st in Neo Iraklio! Today, 10 years after the murder of…
Message of greetings to the 6th Congress of the Communist Party of Poland
Message of greetings to the 6th Congress of the Communist Party of Poland. Revolutionary Unification extends a warm comradely greeting to the 6th Congress of the Communist Party of Poland.…
Solidarity with the uprising people of Palestine! Victory to the Arms of Resistance!
Solidarity with the uprising people of Palestine! Victory to the Arms of Resistance! When we speak about the genocide of a people, it is impossible not to think of the…
Solidarity to the miners and energy workers in Bulgaria
We express our solidarity to the miners and energy workers in our neighboring country Bulgaria, where for the last 9 days there has been a battle to preserve the remains…
PRESS RELEASE OF TRANS-BALKAN MEETING IN THESSALONIKI Following the invitation of the Collective of Struggle for the Revolutionary Unification of Humanity (“Revolutionary Unification”), a tripartite meeting was held in Thessaloniki…
Anti-imperialism, and the transition from early to late socialist revolutions
Anti-imperialism, and the transition from early to late socialist revolutions By Dimitris Patelis. Collective for Revolutionary Unification / Greece In: 5th issue of ‘Platform’ [October 2023], pp. 53-67. Introduction The…
“Multipolarity” or internationalist anti-imperialism?
“Multipolarity” or internationalist anti-imperialism? By Dimitris Patelis. Collective for Revolutionary Unification / Greece. [September 2023] The forth issue of ‘Platform’ Introduction The ongoing World War III (WWIII) presents the global…
GREECE ON FIRE…DEVELOPMENT IS COMING “Against the fury of nature, no measure will be enough”, Prime Minister Mitsotakis regarding the fires – summer 2023 “Unfortunately, or fortunately life goes on”…